Kristen Elliott-Newell is an Associate in the Corporate Advisory Team at Moores

Kristen Elliott-Newell brings a wealth of experience in privacy law, regulatory strategy and legal communication to our team. With years of experience working for various state and federal regulators, Kristen has deep insight into regulatory strategy, compliance and enforcement.

She has a deep knowledge of privacy law, having previously worked for the government to ensure organisational compliance by identifying and addressing privacy risks. She leverages this understanding to provide clients with practical advice that aligns with regulatory expectations.

Kristen's expertise in both law and linguistics sets her apart. She has taught at university level and excels in making legal language clear and accessible. She prioritises straightforward communication, tailored to the specific needs of her clients that is easy to understand and implement.

As part of the Education and Privacy team, Kristen is dedicated to making the law approachable and compliance attainable for all her clients.

Why Moores?

“I always knew I wanted to use my talent and expertise to do good. I firmly believe that we should all try to leave the world a little nicer than how we found it. I was therefore so delighted to find my place at Moores, where I can use my legal expertise to support our wonderful clients to do good in their own communities. I feel so privileged to have a job that lets me practice law in a way that is closely aligned to my own values.”


Outside of work, Kristen uses yoga to quiet her mind and align her body. She is a vegan who loves to bake and has won over many skeptical family members with her vegan custard tart and cinnamon babka.


  • Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) Monash University 2018
  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, ANU 2019
  • Cert IV of Government (Investigations) 2017
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Monash University 2011 (Honours Merit Prize for Linguistics thesis)