I am thinking about separating, what should I do?

The breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship can be an unsettling and stressful time.

As a starting point, we have prepared a booklet to answer some common questions you may have before and after a separation.

These steps do not have to be taken alone. We recommend you seek expert legal advice to guide you through the process and address all concerns specific to you and your circumstances.

If there has been family violence in the relationship, seek advice and support from a family violence professional or service.

I am thinking about separating, what should I do?

Our separation booklet is a guide to taking the first steps in a separation. It covers frequently asked questions and provides an overview of a property settlement and parenting arrangements. Download your copy here.

Separation booklet

When will I need a lawyer?

You may feel daunted at the concept of meeting a family lawyer, however, having an initial consultation as soon as possible is empowering. It will allow you to obtain the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your life after separation.  

We recognise that every situation is unique. It is our goal to work collaboratively with you to achieve the best outcome. This involves understanding your situation, giving comprehensive advice and providing options as to how best to move forward.  

How we can help

We provide advice in relation to all aspects of family law including financial settlements and parenting issues. Importantly, we appreciate other support avenues are sometimes required for couples such as family therapy and counselling, and we have the insight and capability to make these referrals where necessary.

Contact us

Please contact us for more information or to make an initial appointment.

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