Developments for Victorian Schools

The Victorian Government is pushing the “3 Vs” for the return to school in Term 4: VentilationVaccination and Vital COVIDSafe Steps.


The Victorian government today announced mandatory vaccination for school staff. The mandate will apply to teachers, support staff, administrative staff and cleaners and to all schools and all types of early childhood and care settings.

The Education Minister said to reporters: “Anyone who works on-site at schools or early childhood settings, they will not be able to work on site if they are not vaccinated.”

School staff must have their 1st dose by 18 October 2021 and the 2nd dose by 29 November 2021. 

Exceptions: It looks like there will be scope for medical exceptions to the vaccination requirement. There is limited information available about the extent or application of those exemptions and we expect more information to come.


Only low-fee non-government schools will receive a share of the 51,000 ventilators to be rolled out according to the government’s announcement today. Likewise, only low-fee non-government schools are eligible for a grant of up to $25,000 for shade sails – to facilitate increased outdoor learning. Other independent and Catholic schools will also not receive financial support from the government to purchase their own. 

Independent and catholic schools may nevertheless need to review ventilation infrastructure, assess ventilation and CO2 monitoring steps in their planning for term 4. 

See the Premier of Victoria’s 22 September press release for more information.

How we can help

Please contact us for more detailed and tailored help to ensure you are prepared for return to school in Term 4.
